Since we regard advertisers' viewpoint as important, our admin system is easy to understand and to get started. In addition, as a platform to maximize the advertiser's ROI (Return On Investment), its analytic system can be taken from various perspectives.
When just started adopting affiliate service, sometimes it is difficult to operate efficiently. In such a case, your exclusive adviser will support you as much as possible, for instance how to start or how to operate.
All of the publishers need to pass our severe screening. Our “Appapx” wouldn’t allow any websites that violate public order and morals (such as adult content, gambling etc.). Therefore, advisers who care about their brand reputation can use our service without concern.
Advertisers team + Promotion managers team + Publisher steam
will support you to maximize the result.
It is a team which helps you deal with all the tasks you will encounter in affiliate marketing. We will also report the results and propose the best condition of each promotion to you.
A team that serves as a general information department that coping with introducing new promotions for advertisers. They will help you with making contract, setting system and etc. Please feel free to contact us at any time.
This team is responsible for recruiting the best-matched publishers for your product and brand. Also, they provide know-how of inbound marketing which helps publishers create valuable contents to attract consumers efficiently.